What Makes New Brew Different from Other Products Containing Kratom?

Kratom is an evergreen plant native to Southeast Asia, where it has been traditionally used for centuries. In its native regions, kratom leaves are typically chewed fresh or dried, or brewed into a tea to benefit from its stimulating properties. However, in the West, consumers can find everything from kratom leaf and natural teas to powders, capsules, tonics, and extracts. Unfortunately, there are also synthetic isolates mislabeled as kratom, which pose significant risks. Understanding this landscape is crucial to appreciating how New Brew fits into the mix and stands out as a unique and responsible choice.

Here's how New Brew distinguishes itself from other kratom products:

  1. Low Serving Size

Kratom is a unique plant known for its spectrum of effects. At low serving sizes, like those found in New Brew, kratom acts as a stimulant, providing energy and enhancing focus, making it ideal for productivity and social situations. In contrast, larger serving sizes of kratom are often used for sedative effects. New Brew offers a mild, stimulating experience rather than the more intense effects associated with high doses. By keeping the serving size low at 25mg of kratom leaf extract per can, New Brew ensures a gentle, uplifting effect. 

  1. Large Format

Most kratom products on the market, such as shots, are concentrated in small, high-dose formats. These can be convenient but often lead to excessive intake and potential side effects. New Brew, on the other hand, comes in a larger, more enjoyable format, allowing for a more gradual intake with balanced and moderate effects. The larger format of New Brew also allows it to be easily incorporated into your routine, whether at work, during a workout, or while socializing with friends.

  1. GMP Manufacturing and Responsible Sourcing

New Brew is committed to quality and safety through GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) manufacturing processes. This ensures that our product maintains consistent potency and profile, providing a reliable experience with each can. In contrast to pure leaf products where potency can differ from batch to batch, New Brew's standardized processes ensure that every serving meets our high standards. Additionally, we source our kratom and kava responsibly, maintaining ethical relationships with our suppliers to ensure the highest quality botanicals. This commitment to GMP manufacturing and responsible sourcing underscores our dedication to delivering a reliable and ethically produced product.

  1. Clear and Transparent Labeling

New Brew prioritizes clear and transparent labeling. Unlike many kratom products on the market, which can be ambiguous about their contents, every can of New Brew clearly lists the amount of kratom, kava, and caffeine it contains. This transparency ensures that consumers know exactly what they are consuming and can make informed decisions about their intake.

  1. Naturally Balanced Extract

Unlike many kratom products that isolate specific sub-alkaloids, New Brew uses an extract that reflects the natural composition of the plant. This means that we utilize the entire range of naturally occurring alkaloids found in kratom leaves, rather than isolating potent compounds like 7-hydroxymitragynine and speciociliatine, which can be risky. This approach offers a more balanced and holistic effect, mirroring the traditional use of kratom in Southeast Asia.

Got Any Questions?

If you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line at hello@drinknewbrew.com. We are happy to answer any questions and provide more information about our products and mission.